My projects

Peloton: A Teamwork Tool for the Classroom

Master's Project for the LDT program, working with Nina Slote.
Peloton is a web application for the classroom that helps students gain confidence in their social and emotional skills by designating them as experts in group work settings.
Students self-assess on soft skills, generating a skills map and assigning students a role in a team. Students then give feedback to their peers based on their respective roles.
We designed the interface using Figma, directed a programmer who built it using the MEVN stack, and integrated it with the Google Classroom API.

Shared Story

A Tangible User Interface where young learners can record important life events in a collaborative map of their community, building empathy and understanding across peers from different backgrounds.
The project combined ideas from Brazilian educator Paulo Freireā€”helping learners understand and control their social environment-with a technological approach.
Completed with Po Tsui as a final project for Beyond Bits and Atoms course at the Stanford GSE.

Super Photo App

Simple photo app built for the CS142 course using the MEAN stack: MongoDB, Express.js, Node.js, and Angular.js
Has an Instagram-lite functionality: can register new users, add photos, like photos, create a favorites list, and see other user profiles.
Built on top of back-end files and main controller from the CS142 team, but the design and front-end components, as well as the backend HTTP request handlers in the server, are my own.

Vitamin Sea

A pirate-themed board game that teaches middle-school-age learners about the principles of computer programming and game design.
After defining the need through interviews with a middle school student, we designed and built the board game
Components included a laser-cut box, 3D printed game pieces, vinyl-cut board pieces, and more.

Internship: User Experience Research at Autodesk

In my internship I worked on user experience research for re-designing Autodesk's micro-credentialing system on their online learning content, specifically for Fusion 360.
I had to create and post surveys on the online learning platform and analyze the data, carry out interviews with university and community college students learning to use Fusion 360, and combine this quantitative and qualitative data into actionable insights.

Stanford Ignite program at the Graduate School of Business

I participated in the Ignite program, where I learned from distinguished Graduate School of Business faculty members in areas such as marketing, negotiations, accounting, and more.
We also created a business model for a potential venture, and pitched the idea to Silicon Valley venture capitalists. Our venture idea was a company that would run large-scale urban treasure hunts. It would be a combination of an urban marathon and a massive, outdoor escape-the-room, with a large cash prize for the winners.


Fall 2017

EDUC200B: Qualitative Research Methods

EDUC333A: Understanding Learning Environments

EDUC281: Technology for Learners

ME377: Design Thinking Studio

ME391: Frameworking the Future of Work

CHINLANG41: Intermediate-Advanced Chinese Conversation

Winter 2018

CS402L: Beyond Bits and Atoms Lab

EDUC236: Designing Technological Tools

ENGR281: Designing Media that Matters

ENGR281: Design Thinking Studio

Spring 2018

EDUC391: Engineering Education and Online Learning

CS106B: Programming Abstractions

CS142: Web Applications

CHINLANG43: Intermediate-Advanced Chinese Conversation

Summer 2018

Stanford GSB: Ignite Executive Education Program

EDUC229: Learning, Design, & Technology Seminar