Say! Language Learning App

Sole developer of AI-driven language learning app. Used React Native + Supabase + NodeJS stack. Integrated OpenAI's GPT completions, speech-to-text, and embeddings APIs.


"AI as entertainment" hackathon project at South Park Commons. Users can easily create compelling fan fiction or fantasy sports narratives for their own amusement. Dan Harmon's "Circle of Storytelling" narrative arc is built into the prompts. Created on Replit with React and OpenAI's APIs

Snap Engineering Academy

Co-instructor for 15-person cohort. Curriculum is focused on React, React Native, Firebase, and Data Structures and Algorithms. Participants also work with designers and marketers to craft a full product. I help students debug their code, grask key React concepts, and bring their projects together.
The program takes place at Snapchat HQ in LA, and is Snap's flagship CSR program, helping underrepresented minorities enter the tech industry.


Bicycle sharing app created as part of a hackathon hosted by Fintual, a Y-Combinator-backed Chilean fintech company. I was selected as one of 39 finalists out of 1,010 applicants for a Fintual dev academy in Patagonia.
We created the app on React with a Supabase backend.


Simple app to track the books you've read. Built using React and the blocks.css library.
Made it to practice React Redux, styling, and forms.

Rick & Morty API viewer

Final project for React Fundamentals course. A viewer for the Rick and Morty API where you can login, like your favorite characters and episodes, and compare preferences with other users
Uses React, including hooks and context. I also used it as a playground to explore Firebase, going beyond the frontend course.

Super Photo App

Photo app built for the Stanford CS142 course using the MEAN stack: MongoDB, Express.js, Node.js, and Angular.js
Has an Instagram-lite functionality: can register new users, add photos, like photos, create a favorites list, and see other user profiles.
Built on top of back-end files from the CS142 team, but the design and front-end components, as well as the backend HTTP request handlers in the server, are my own.

Shared Story

A Tangible User Interface where young learners can record important life events in a collaborative map of their community, building empathy and understanding across peers from different backgrounds.
The project combined ideas from Brazilian educator Paulo Freireā€”helping learners understand and control their social environment-with a technological approach.
Completed with Po Tsui as a final project for Beyond Bits and Atoms (CS402L) course at the Stanford GSE.

Vitamin Sea

A pirate-themed board game that teaches middle-school-age learners about the principles of computer programming and game design.
After defining the need through interviews with a middle school student, we designed and built the board game
Components included a laser-cut box, 3D printed game pieces, vinyl-cut board pieces, and more.